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Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

Disability Funders Network E-News: Vol. 6, No. 1

In This Issue

Guest Editor: Susan Daniels

Note: The symbol indicates the article, event or award is disability-specific.

DFN Events

DFN Member News

Publications and Resources

Grants, Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships and Internships

DFN Events

DFN Cosponsors Screening of “Autism Is a World” at Council on Foundations Family Foundations Conference

DFN is cosponsoring “Meet the Filmmaker: Autism Is a World” at the Council on Foundations’ Family Foundations Conference on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007, from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

The film, a 2006 Henry Hampton Award-winner by Gerardine Wurzburg, is an engaging and engrossing personal story narrated by and seen through the eyes of Sue Rubin. Sue is an autistic woman who, until the age of 13, was thought to have intellectual disabilities. She now attends college and participates in many other aspects of daily life inside and outside of her home. This short film speaks powerfully about disability rights and brings into focus a poorly understood issue both for stakeholder communities and the general public. After the screening, meet director Geraldine Wurzburg and Sue Rubin for a lively discussion.  The event is cosponsored by the Council on Foundations, Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media and Disability Funders Network.  Pre-registration and fee required: $40.00.  For more information, contact Evelyn Gibson at Evelyn.Gibson@cof.org or 202-467-0471.

DFN Member News

Note to DFN Grantmakers: If you send us your grant announcements, we would be happy to post them in DFN E-News.

Press Coverage for DFN’s Partnership with The Foundation Center

The Philanthropy Journal is running an article on its Web site that highlights DFN’s partnership with The Foundation Center, which seeks to improve and expand disability terminology and funding information for grantmakers and grantseekers.  To view a copy of the article, go to  www.philanthropyjournal.org//lu.cfm?lu=21566.

Henry H. Kessler Foundation Approves $8.5 Million In Disability Grants

The board of trustees of the Henry H. Kessler Foundation approved 30 new grant allocations totaling $8.513 million to benefit people with physical disabilities through research, employment and special initiatives.  The grants were awarded to organizations that help fulfill the Henry H. Kessler Foundation mission of improving the lives of people with physical disabilities and helping prevent secondary injury. The employment and special initiative grants are awarded to organizations that work toward improving employment opportunities and the quality of life for people with disabilities in New Jersey.  Grant recipients are selected based on their impact to the public and the proven success of their programs.

The largest portion of the 2006 allocation, $5.7 million, funds ongoing rehabilitation research at the Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center (KMRREC) in West Orange. KMRREC investigates new rehabilitation techniques for people with physical disabilities, including programs to benefit people who have had spinal cord or traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis or other neuromuscular conditions.

Other grant programs focus on job development, training, placement and employer education to facilitate better employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

For more information on the Henry H. Kessler Foundation, go to www.hhkfdn.org.

The Global Partnership for Disability and Development

Poverty alleviation in developing countries requires that disabled people be explicitly taken into account in national and international economic development efforts.  The social and environmental obstacles that marginalize and impoverish disabled people cannot be dissolved by any one kind of entity or organization, but only through the collaborative efforts of diverse stakeholders, including developing countries, bilateral and multilateral donors, United Nations agencies, national and international NGOs, foundations and other stakeholders.

Yet the idea of mainstreaming disability into the economic development agenda is a novel concept to many foreign assistance providers, developing country governments, and even NGOs.  There is sometimes a disconnect between the people who are knowledgeable about international economic development and foreign assistance on the one hand and disability on the other.  The objective of the Global Partnership for Disability and Development is to encourage the developing country governments and international cooperation agencies to integrate disabled people into their poverty alleviation efforts.

What is the GPDD?

The Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD) is a dynamic new initiative to accelerate inclusion of people with disabilities and their families into development policies and practices.

The GPDD was formed to increase collaboration among development agencies and organizations to reduce the extreme poverty and exclusion of a substantial number of children, women and men with disabilities living in poor countries. This population includes those born with disabilities and people who become disabled through wars and other violence, traffic or work injuries, diseases, disasters and other causes.

Why is the GPDD needed?

Few development programs in any country, although designed to benefit poor and disadvantaged people, reach the more than 10 percent of the population with physical, psycho-social, intellectual or sensory disabilities. In most developing or poor countries, disabled children are not in school, and disabled youth and adults are excluded from training and employment.

All over the world, poverty reduction strategies are being launched, providing new opportunities to incorporate people with disabilities as an integral dimension in development plans, covering education, access to health and employment policies.

GPDD membership is free of charge, and all who are interested may participate through a listserv or thematic working groups on topics such as education, poverty reduction strategies and emergencies caused by conflict or disasters.

How to join the GPDD Listserv:

Please email a blank email (no subject or body) to join-gpdd@lists.worldbank.org.

If you have further questions about the GPDD please feel free to contact us at gpdd@worldbank.org.

Between Me, You and Liberation: Starting a Group for Girls with Disabilities, Access Living Of Metropolitan Chicago

On May 7-10, 2007, the creators of a groundbreaking program for girls with disabilities are hosting a three-day intensive national workshop for women interested in learning more about how to build a gender-conscious, disability-proud, safe space for girls.  Between Me, You and Liberation: Starting a Group for Girls with Disabilities, an interactive workshop will take attendees through everything they need to know to start a group for girls with disabilities including recruitment, curriculum development, group dynamics and capacity building.  The workshop will be designed and facilitated by coordinators of the Empowered Fe Fes, slang for female.  They are best known for award-winning films about disability identity, bullying and sexuality.  Twelve participants will be accepted.  $500 stipends are available to help cover costs.  For more information contact Susan Nussbaum or Ana Mercado, 1-800-613-8549, TTY 1-888-253-7003 or e-mail snussbaum@accessliving.org or amercado@accessliving.org.

AAPD President/CEO Honored by HHS Office on Disability

Andrew J. Imparato, president and chief executive officer of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), was honored and recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Disability for his leadership of AAPD and his contributions to life in this country.  He was one of four individuals presented with the Secretary’s Highest Achievement Award, which honors their efforts on behalf of all people with all disabilities.  Other recipients were Julie Beckett; Peter Galpin, M.D.; and Ronan Tynan, M.D. For more information, go to www.aapd.com.

Mary Lester Honored as “Local Hero” by KQED

Mary Lester, co-founder and executive director of the Alliance for Technology Access (ATA), is one of the “Local Heroes” selected by KQED (the largest PBS station in the nation) in honor of Disability Awareness Month. The award was presented at a dinner on Oct. 24, 2006, and a television spot featuring Ms. Lester was aired during the month.

The mission of ATA is to increase the use of technology by children and adults with disabilities and functional limitations. Headquartered in Petaluma, CA, ATA is a national network of grassroots assistive technology resource centers, community-based organizations, individuals, technology vendors and developers. ATA and its members work toward a world in which all people with disabilities have ongoing and effective use of critical technology tools that are adaptable, accessible, affordable and available, along with the training and support necessary to integrate these tools into their lives.

Lester has committed 32 years to advocating for greater access for people with disabilities. She worked for the first independent living center in the nation, the Center for Independent Living in Berkeley, which spearheaded a national civil rights movement for people with disabilities in the 1970s. She joined the staff of the Center for Accessible Technology (formerly the Disabled Children’s Computer Group) in 1986 and worked with them and Apple Computer to form the ATA, which will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year.

Her writing credits include Computer Resources for People with Disabilities (Hunter House Publishers), a nationally acclaimed compendium of resources and information about technology. Lester’s community leadership includes serving on the boards of the Community Technology Centers’ Network (CTCNet), the Independent Living Network, CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and the AT&T Disability Advisory Group.

KQED’s Celebration of Disability Culture programming featured 12 programs, including Freedom Machines, which highlights the use of technology by people with a range of disabilities. It aired on PBS‘s documentary program P.O.V.   For more information on the Alliance for Technology Access, go to www.ATAccess.org.

Publications and Resources

2005 Census Data Regarding People with Disabilities

The 2005 American Community Survey (ACS) provides census data on disability statistics.  The ACS is a new nationwide survey designed to provide communities a fresh look at how they are changing — and is a critical element in the Census Bureau’s reengineered 2010 census plan. The ACS collects information such as age, race, income, commute time to work, home value, veteran status and other important data from U.S. households.  To access the data, go to http://factfinder.census.gov.

Drop in Chronic Disability Among Older Americans

According to new analysis of data from the National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS), chronic disability among older Americans has dropped dramatically — and the rate of decline has accelerated during the past two decades.  The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that the prevalence of chronic disability among people 65 and older fell from 26.5 percent in 1982 to 19 percent in 2004/2005. The percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and older who lived in long-term care institutions such as nursing homes dropped from 7.5 percent to 4.0 percent. The report indicates that the emergence of assisted-living options, changes in Medicare reimbursement policies and improved rehabilitation services may have fueled this decrease in institutionalization. To read a press release from the National Institutes of Health, go to www.nih.gov/news/pr/dec2006/nia-01.htm.

Study Focuses on How the Internet Helps Those with Autism and Aspergers

A new study of 39 people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome who use online discussion groups to communicate with each other demonstrates how the Internet helps people with autism and Aspergers communicate with each other and find a voice and identity in an online environment.  The study, “Constructing an Autistic Identity: AS Voices Online,” was conducted by Charlotte Brownlow and Lindsay O’Dell from the United Kingdom.  Their findings were published in the October 2006 issue of the journal Mental Retardation.  For a copy of the article, go to www.aamr.org/rr/.

NCD Reports and Publications

Over the Horizon: Potential Impact of Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology on Disability Policy and Practice

“Over the Horizon: Potential Impact of Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology on Disability Policy and Practice” is a policy paper that explores key trends in information and communication technology, highlights the potential opportunities and problems these trends present for people with disabilities and suggests some strategies to maximize opportunities and avoid potential problems and barriers.  To access a copy of the paper, go to www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/emerging_trends.htm.

Creating Livable Communities

“Creating Livable Communities” is the sequel to an earlier NCD report, “Livable Communities for Adults with Disabilities.”  “Creating Livable Communities” focuses on strategic partnerships at the federal, state and local levels. For additional information and to view the report, go to www.ncd.gov.

The Basics of the National Council on Disability’s Social Security Report

The Basics of the National Council on Disability’s Social Security Report, at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/issue_brief.htm, highlights the continuing number of SSA beneficiaries who never leave the SSI and SSDI rolls and the need to increase the number of beneficiaries who enter, or reenter, the U.S. workforce. The brief also discusses the need to identify new approaches that emphasize beneficiary control of career planning and the ability to access self-selected services and supports.  This report is a follow-up to NCD’s 2005 report, “The Social Security Administration’s Efforts to Promote Employment for People with Disabilities: New Solutions for Old Problems,” at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/ssa-promoteemployment.htm.

National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

“National Disability Policy: A Progress Report” (covering the period from December 2004 December 2005) reviews federal policy activities, noting progress where it has occurred, and makes further recommendations where necessary to the executive and legislative branches.  Although the United States is moving forward to expand opportunities and inclusion for Americans with disabilities, the rate of progress is slow.  A copy of the report is available at www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/progress_report.htm.

The Need for Federal Legislation and Regulation Prohibiting Telecommunications and Information Services Discrimination

“The Need for Federal Legislation and Regulation Prohibiting Telecommunications and Information Services Discrimination” (www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/discrimination.htm), explores the need to adopt legislative and regulatory safeguards to guarantee equal access for people with disabilities to evolving high-speed broadband, wireless and Internet-based technologies. Experience shows that as these technological innovations stake their claim in American society, market forces will not be sufficient to ensure such access. Rather, Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and other federal agencies will need to ensure that these communications technologies remain accessible to and usable by all Americans with disabilities.  For more information on the report, contact Jeff Rosen at jrosen@ncd.gov.

Congressional Briefings on Outreach on Long-Term Services and Supports

NCD published the first of a number of upcoming two-page briefings for Congress that highlight major points in its report “The State of 21st Century Long-Term Services and Supports: Financing and Systems Reform for Americans with Disabilities” (www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/longterm_services.htm).  The purpose of the briefing papers is to create new knowledge and a deeper understanding of current experience with Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), including the future need for affordable LTSS for people with disabilities.  For more information on NCD’s congressional outreach, contact Mark Seifarth at mseifarth@ncd.gov or Molly Burgdorf at mmburgdorf@gmail.com.

Grants, Awards, Scholarships, Fellowships and Internships

Funding for Community-Based Approaches to Improve Care for Vulnerable Populations

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is offering a special grant solicitation from the Vulnerable Populations Portfolio, Fresh Ideas: Community-Based Approaches to Improve Care for Vulnerable Populations.  The Vulnerable Populations Portfolio focuses on new community-based approaches to health and healthcare problems faced by immigrants and refugees.  Application deadline is Jan. 15, 2007.  For more information, go to www.rwjf.org/applications/solicited/cfp.jsp?ID=19480.

Ashoka Fellow Caroline Casey, Ireland

Recently selected Ashoka Fellow, Caroline Casey, is an Irish citizen who is deeply committed to making a lasting difference in the world.  In 2000, unemployment for people with disabilities was 90 percent in Ireland.  Caroline, who is blind, is leading a positive movement to alter the perceptions and behaviors of business towards people with disabilities, recognizing the abilities of employees with disabilities while highlighting their economic value as consumers.  Thanks to her approach, employers are witnessing the social and economic advantages of a diverse and capable workforce.  For more information on Ashoka and the Ashoka Fellows, go to www.ashoka.org.

Nominations for 2007 LEAD Awards

Nominations are now being accepted for The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 2007 Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability Awards for Excellence in Accessibility Leadership.  The awards will be presented at the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) Conference/Training in Minneapolis, MN, on Aug. 18, 2007.  The LEAD awards recognize a full body of work, rather than one single project or a program, by an individual and/or an institution.  Award winners must have sustained accessibility efforts over a significant period of time demonstrating a commitment to the inclusion of all people with disabilities.  The goal of the LEAD Awards is to demonstrate the importance of fostering and encouraging the work of visionary professionals and institutions and to increase awareness and focus on the importance of accessibility in artistic venues and cultural institutions.  For nomination information, contact access@kennedy-center.org with “LEAD nomination” in the subject line or call Betty or Jessica at 202-416-8727.  Nomination deadline is March 15, 2007.

Summer Philanthropy Program for Students

The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service, a national summer program administered by Georgetown University, is intended for college students who are involved in volunteer activities and are eager to explore professional opportunities in the nonprofit sector. The institute combines hands-on professional experience, academic learning and exclusive briefings that provide students with an unparalleled experience in the nation’s capital. Undergraduate student leaders who are engaged in service programs on and off their campuses are encouraged to apply.  A majority of participants receive financial assistance through various scholarship opportunities that are available. The institute will be held June 9 to Aug. 4, 2007, in Washington, D.C. The final application deadline for the program is March 1. For more information, go to www.dcinternships.org/IPVS/about/index.asp.

2007 Petra Foundation Fellowships

The Petra Foundation is accepting nominations for its 2007 Fellowship Awards, which seek to identify and champion unsung heroes who have made distinctive contributions to the human, civil rights, autonomy and dignity of others.  Petra Fellows receive a modest financial stipend.  The foundation publicizes their innovative models for change, fosters their collaborations and welcomes them to a network of emerging and experienced leaders who cross the lines of age, race and class to work together to build a more just society.  Nomination deadline is Feb. 7, 2007. For guidelines go to www.petrafoundation.org/nominations.html.

2007 U.S./Costa Rica: Youth Leadership and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Disability Rights Exchange Program

Mobility International USA (MIUSA) is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower people with disabilities around the world to achieve their human rights through international exchange and international development.   Since 1981, MIUSA has coordinated international leadership exchange delegations of people with and without disabilities from more than 90 countries. MIUSA is offering a 16-day exchange program to San Jose, Costa Rica, from June 20 to July 5, 2007, with a focus on youth leadership and cultural perspectives on disability rights. Application deadline is March 2, 2007.  For more information, contact Jena Price, Program Specialist, Mobility International USA, 132 E. Broadway, Suite 343, Eugene, OR  97401, Phonel/TTY: 541-343-1284, Fax: 541-343-6812, E-mail: exchange@miusa.org, Web: www.miusa.org.


Program Director, TASH

TASH (www.tash.org), an international membership organization leading the way to inclusive communities through research, education and advocacy, is seeking a program director to assume leadership responsibilities for year-round program initiatives.

Executive Assistant, TASH

TASH is also seeking an executive assistant to perform all administrative functions of the association.

To apply for either of these positions, send resume to Barbara R. Trader at btrader@tash.org. No calls.

Executive Director, Life Skills Center

The Life Skills Center, enabling adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities to live as independently and safely as possible, is seeking an executive director.  For information on the position, go to http://SlesingerManagement.com.  To apply, send a letter explaining why you are interested and qualified, resume and a three-year salary history to Life Skills Center Search Committee, 3166 Mt. Pleasant Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20010, or to Jcaivano@thedialogue.org.

Vice President of Development, Global Fund for Women

The Global Fund for Women, an international grantmaking foundation that supports groups working to advance the human rights of women and girls, is seeking a vice president of development to provide leadership, strategic direction, oversight, coordination and priority setting for the development team to sustain and expand funding for the fund in ways that engage and educate their donors and encourage a long-term financial contribution and commitment.  This position will be open until filled. For more information, go to www.globalfundforwomen.org/cms/content/view/310/200/. To apply, e-mail a cover letter and resume to jobs@globalfundforwomen.org or mail to VP of Development Application (VPD1-06), Global Fund for Women, Attn.: Human Resources, 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94109. No calls.

Director of International Resource Development, Perkins School for The Blind, Perkins Trust

Perkins School for the Blind (PSB), serving children worldwide who are blind, deafblind, and blind with additional disabilities (www.perkins.org), is seeking a director of international resource development for its newly created Perkins Trust.  The new director will report directly to the executive director of the Perkins Trust and provide leadership for the expansion of revenue to support Perkins International Programs.  Send resume and cover letter to Alena Eng, Development Guild/DDI at perkinsdird@developmentguild.com.


See the most current, complete current calendar at www.disabilityfunders.org/calendar.html.

January 25-26

Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference and Leadership Forum on Accessibility in the Corporate Environment

Orlando, FL
For more information, call 1-877-687-2842 or e-mail info@atia.org.

January 25-27

Health Action 2007
Families USA

Washington, DC
For more information, go to www.familiesusa.org/conference/.

January 30

Career Expo 2007

Los Angeles, CA
For more information, go to www.eop.com/exporegistration.html.

February 5-7

Joint Affinity Groups (JAG) Unity Summit
The California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities

Los Angeles, CA

February 6-7

Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel

Atlanta, GA
For more information, go to www.ssa.gov/work/panel/.

February 20

Conference Call Discussion of Disability Funders Network Partnership with The Foundation Center

February 27-28

Foundations on the Hill, Council on Foundations and Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers

Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.foundationsonthehill.org/.

March 7

2007 Paul G. Hearne/AAPD Leadership Award
American Association of People with Disability’s Sixth Annual Leadership Gala

Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.aapd.com.

March 23

Career Expo 2007

New York, NY
For more information, go to www.eop.com/exporegistration.html.

May 7

First Annual Conference, American Association of Grant Professionals

Carnegie Library Center, Atlantic City, NJ
For information, contact Dena Hartigan at denahartigan@comcast.net.

May 7

Career Expo 2007

Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.eop.com/exporegistration.html.

May 7-10

Between Me, You and Liberation: Starting a Group for Girls with Disabilities
Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago

Contact: Susan Nussbaum or Ana Mercado, 1-800-613-8549; TTY: 1-888-253-7003; or e-mail snussbaum@accessliving.org or amercado@accessliving.org.

June 7-9

Grantmakers Without Boarders, 7th Annual Conference
Just Giving: Global Social Change Philanthropy

New York, NY
For more information, go to www.gwob.net.

June 12, 15-16

Postsecondary Disability Training Institute, Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability

University of Connecticut
Saratoga Hotel & Conference Center, Saratoga Springs, NY
For more information, contact Carrol Waite at carrol.waite@uconn.edu or 860-486-3321.

July 30-August 2

National Council on Independent Living’s 25th Annual Conference

Grand Hyatt, Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.ncil.org.

August 6-7

The Job Accommodation Network Annual Training Conference

Hyatt Regency Crystal City, VA
For more information, go to www.jan.wvu.edu.

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