DFN E-News: Vol. 3, No. 8
2004-05 Calendar
- DFN Calendar
- 2004 Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
- 2005 Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
Note: The symbol indicates disability community events.
DFN Calendar
September 22-24
Conference on Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Arlington, VA
DFN will present a session at the first conference to focus on disaster preparedness, response and recovery specific to the unique emergency needs of people with disabilities. High-level authorities from the emergency management, disability and special needs communities, government agencies, private business and the service, advocacy and care networks will attend this forum to share and learn about each other’s experiences, resources and best practice models. The conference is hosted by the National Organization on Disability (NOD) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Capital Region. Moderated by DFN executive director Jeanne Argoff, the session will present grantmaking issues related to on emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. Speakers include Harilyn Rousso, president of Disabilities Unlimited and consultant on DFN’s emergency preparedness project; Susan Dooha, executive director of CIDNY, the independent living center in the ground zero area in New York City; and June Kailes, a disability policy advisor with expertise in emergency preparedness.
October 14-16
Association of Small Foundations National Conference: A Passion for Giving
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Chicago, IL
DFN will participate in a session to help funders prepare to meet the needs of their communities by addressing common concerns (healthcare, housing, transportation, quality of life, employment) related to people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, and an aging population. The panelists will also look at the unique human capital these populations bring to a community and help funders identify ways to unleash the resources these communities represent. For more information about the conference, contact Johanna Edens at 888-212-9922 or johanna@smallfoundations.org.
November 15-17
7th Annual Technology Innovators Conference (Formerly the Annual OSEP Technology Project Directors’ Meeting)
Beyond the Myths: Successful Collaboration for Technology Innovators
Washington, DC
DFN chair Sylvia Clark will represent the NEC Foundation and DFN at a session titled, “Where is the Money: a Window into the Funder’s World.” Also on the panel is Edsel Brown, assistant administrator, Office of Technology, U.S. Small Business Administration.
For more information, go to www.nationaltechcenter.org/.
2004 Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
September 26-27
Grantmakers In Health: The Art & Science of Health Grantmaking
Hyatt Regency St. Louis, MO
Contact: Mary Backley, 202.452.8331, mbackley@gih.org
September 26-28
Philanthropy Northwest: 2004 Annual Conference and Membership Meeting
Sheraton Tacoma, Tacoma, WA
Contact: 206-443-8430
September 28-30
Hispanics in Philanthropy: Funders’ Collaborative for Strong Latino Communities 5th Assembly
Providence, RI
Contact: Chris Cardona, chris@hiponline.org
September 29 – October 1
2nd Assistive Technology: Functional Application Conference
Jackson, MI
For more information call 601-969-0601, 800-721-7255, or Denise Smith at dsmith@mscoaltion.com.
October 3-5
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities Fall Conference
Hyatt Regency, Lexington, KY
For more information, go to www.nacdd.org/.
October 3-6
Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) 2004 Annual Retreat
Hyatt Kauai Resort, Kauai, HI
For more information, go to www.ega.org.
October 4-5
National Accountability Conference on Special Education and Early Intervention
New Orleans, LA
For more information, go to www.dssc.org/frc/MonitorConf.htm.
October 4-6
Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF): 2004 Annual Conference
New York, NY
For more information, go to www.gcyf.org.
October 7
National Institute on Aging and the Center for Social Development: Crossing Network Lines
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
For more information, write to agingdisabilityevents@gwbmail.wustl.edu
October 7-8
24th Annual Brain Injury Conference: Pathways to Discovery
Contact: 800-772-4323
October 7-9
World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL
For more information, go to www.wcdexpo.com/.
October 10
Neighborhood Small Grants Network
2004 Conference on Neighborhood Capacity Building and Annual Membership Meeting
Hilton Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
For more information, go to www.nsgn.org.
October 10-13
Council on Foundations: Fall Conference for Community Foundations
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Contact: 202-466-6512 or www.cof.org
October 10-13
VSA Arts Institute
New York, NY
For more information, go to www.vsarts.org/x170.xml.
October 11-12
Division on Developmental Disabilities: 9th Biennial Conference
Las Vegas, NV
For more information, go to www.dddcec.org/conferences.htm.
October 12-14
Northwest Area Foundation
Grassroots & Groundwork: Practical Models for Reducing Poverty and Rebuilding Communities
St. Paul, MN
October 13-14
Conference on Emergency Evacuation of People with Physical Disabilities from Buildings
Doubletree Hotel, Rockville, MD
For more information, go to www.icdr.us/evac/
October 13-15
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees 2004 Convening
Immigrant Integration in New and Non-Traditional Immigrant Destinations:
Building Effective Philanthropic Leadership
Minneapolis, Minnesota
For more information, visit www.gcir.org/2004convening or contact GCIR’s program coordinator, Alison De Lucca, alison@gcir.org.
October 13-17
National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse: Alternatives 2004
Denver, CO
For more information, go to www.mhselfhelp.org/alt2004.html.
October 14-16
Association of Small Foundations National Conference: A Passion for Giving
Chicago Marriott Downtown, Chicago, IL
Contact: Johanna Edens, 888-212-9922 or johanna@smallfoundations.org.
October 15-16
Grantmakers Without Borders 2004 Conference: Global Policy, Grassroots Change
Contact: John Harvey at john@gwob.net or visit www.gwob.net.
October 15-17
National Organization for Rare Disorders
Thunderbird Conference Center
Minneapolis, MN
For more information, go to www.rarediseases.org/.
October 16
ILRU Disability Law Resource Project: Accessibility Internet Rally
University of Houston, Houston, TX
For more information, go to www.dlrp.org/html/IT/air-houston/index.html.
October 16-18
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL)
10th Annual National Conference on Rural Independent Living
Minneapolis Hilton, Minneapolis, MN
For more information, go to www.april-rural.org.
October 16-19
National Network of Grantmakers 2004 Annual Conference
Democracy Bound: Moving a Contract for Social Justice
Miami, FL
For more information, go to www.nng.org.
October 17-20
Grantmakers in the Arts 2004 Annual Conference
Cleveland, OH
For more information, go to www.giarts.org.
October 18-19
11th Annual Shared Living Conference & 9th Annual National Adult Family Care Organization Conference
Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA
For more information, go to www.sharedliving.com/.
October 18-20
Grantmakers for Education Annual Conference
Keeping Democracy’s Promise: Class, Race, Gender & National Origin in Education
Atlanta, GA
For more information, go to www.edfunders.org/programs/conference.
October 18-20
Fourth Annual Conference of Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grand Rapids, MI
For more information, go to www.thegraycenter.org/2004_autism_conference.htm
October 19-20
Fall 2004 Leadership Conference
Social Capital in America: Building a Community Life
Atlantic City, NJ
For more information, write: marketing@thecouncil.org.
October 19-21
Conference of Southwest Foundations 56th Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, NV
Contact: 214-740-1787
October 19-23
22nd Annual Closing the Gap Conference
Bloomington, MN
For more information, go to www.closingthegap.com/index.lasso.
October 20
2004 Disability Mentoring Day
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
For more information, go to www.dmd-aapd.org/.
October 20
Disability Employment Issues Seminar
Illinois Central College-North Campus, Peoria, IL
For more information, go to www.cibln.com or call 309-686-3300, ext. 212
October 21-22
Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Autism
Anchorage, AK
For more information, go to www.alaskaarc.org/.
October 22-24
World of Possibilities Disabilities Expo
Dulles Expo Center
Chantilly, VA
Contact: Mona Freedman at 410-549-5707 or mona@caringcommunities.org.
October 23
REEL LIFE Disability Film Festival
Dearborn Community and Performing Arts Center Theatre
Dearborn, MI
For more information, go to http://www.bwcil.org/reellife.html.
October 23-24
Colorado Innovation Summit: Lessons from the Real World
Stonebrook Manor, Thornton, CO
For more information, go to http://www.innovationsummit.com/.
October 27-29
Grantmakers in Aging
The Future is Here: A Window on Our Changing America
Coconut Grove, FL
Contact: Carol A. Farquhar at 937-435-3156, cfarquhar@giaging.org or go to www.GIAging.org.
October 27-30
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD) Annual Conference
Vancouver, BC
For more information, visit www.thenadd.org/.
October 28-29
Equal Justice Works Career Fair
Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
For more information, go to www.equaljusticeworks.org/careerfair/dsp_start.php.
October 28-30
16th Annual International Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Renaissance Nashville Hotel, Nashville, TN
For more information, go to www.chadd.org/webpage.cfm?cat_id=14 or call Marsha Bokman at 301-306-7070, ext. 108.
October 29-30
2004 National Research Conference
Hattie Larlham Research Institute
Cleveland, OH
Contact: Kristen Baysinger 800-233-8611, ext. 3074, or go to www.hattielarlham.org/.
October 29-30
Applied Autism Research and Intervention Conference
Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, VA
Contact: Nicole Fidler at 703-351-5031 or nfidler@researchautism.org
For more information, go to www.researchautism.org/conf.asp
November 2-5
Council of Michigan Foundations: 32nd Annual CMF Conference
Hyatt Regency, Dearborn, MI
Contact: Vicki Rosenberg, 616-842-7080
November 4-5
Grantmakers In Health Fall Forum
Health and Fiscal Policy: What Every Funder Should Know
Wyndham Hotel, Washington, DC
Contact: Mary Backley, 202.452.8331, mbackley@gih.org.
November 6-12
Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Annual Meeting
Bethesda, MD
For more information, visit http://www.aucd.org/
November 9-11
Technology Affinity Group Annual Conference
Kansas City, MO
For more information, visit www.tagtech.org.
November 9-12
7th Annual Accessing Higher Ground Conference:
Assistive Technology and Accessible Media in Higher Education
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
For more information, go to www.colorado.edu/ATconference/.
November 9-13
Teacher Education Division (EC) Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency, Albuquerque, NM
For more information, go to www.tedcec.org/.
November 10-12
Southeastern Council of Foundations Annual Meeting:
Aiming High in the Low Country
Charleston Place Hotel
Charleston, SC
Contact: Marianne Gordon, 404-524-0911
November 10-13
American Association of Grant Professionals: 6th Annual AAGP National Conference
The Westin at Copley Place, Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.grantprofessionals.org/Conference%202003/conferences.htm.
November 12-13
15th annual CEC – Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Conference
Marriott Mountain Shadows, Scottsdale, AZ
For more information, go to www.casecec.org/.
November 15-17
7th Annual Technology Innovators Conference
Beyond the Myths: Successful Collaboration for Technology Innovators
Washington, DC
For more information, go to www.nationaltechcenter.org/.
November 17-19
The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) Annual Meeting
Holiday Inn Select
Alexandria, VA
For more information, go to www.nasddds.org/index.shtml.
November 17-20
TASH 2004 Annual Conference
Reno, NV
For more information, go to www.tash.org/.
November 18-20
2004 National ARC Conference
Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.thearc.org/.
November 18-20
American Association of Speech and Hearing (ASHA)
Philadelphia, PA
For more information, go to www.asha.org/about/events/convention/.
November 30
International Day of Disabled Persons
World Bank, Washington, DC
Please send your information to: 2004DisabilityDay@worldbank.org.
November 30
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders: Agriculture Policy Briefing
Washington, DC
Contact: 805. 687-0551, vclarke@ega.org or www.safsf.org.
December 1-2
Environmental Grantmakers Association: Federal Policy Briefing 2004
Jurys Washington Hotel, Washington, DC
For more information, go to www.ega.org.
December 4-8
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Division on Early Childhood Conference
Chicago, IL
For more information, go to www.dec-sped.org/.
December 6-9
Council on Foundations 2004 Winter Institutes:
New Board Members, New Grantmakers, New Foundations
Washington, DC
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-466-6512
December 9-12
Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC
For more information, go to http://www.ffcmh.org/.
2005 Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
January 10-11
International Human Rights Funders Group Semi-Annual Meeting:
Building Human Rights Constituencies
San Francisco, CA
Contact: Catherine Townsend, 212-475-1137, ctownsend@mertzgilmore.org
January 17-19
Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group 5th Annual Retreat
San Francisco, Califormia
Contact: Niamani Mutima, 212-812-4212, nmutima@agag.org
February 23-25
Grantmakers In Health Annual Meeting
Agents of Change: Health Philanthropy’s Role in Transforming Health Systems
The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Contact: Mary Backley, 202.452.8331, mbackley@gih.org
February 24-25
Homeland Defense Training Conference
Preparing Healthcare Professionals for New Challenges in the Medical Arena
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
Contact: Laura Johnson, 703-807-2747
February 24-25
7th Annual Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Lake Terrace Convention Center
Hattiesburg, MS
Contact: Sonia Carr, 888-671-0051 or 601-266-5163; sonia.carr@usm.edu.
February 28-March 1
Pacific Rim Conference
Sheraton, Waikiki, HI
For more information, go to www.pacrim.hawaii.edu
March 7-9
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities 6th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Ben Starrett, 305-667-6350 x206; ben@fundersnetwork.org.
March 30-31
Conference on Disability/Employment
Sacramento, CA
Contact: Catherine Kelly Baird at 916-654-1764
April 3-5
Jewish Funders Network International Conference
Baltimore, MD
Contact: Jeremy Burton, 212-726-0177×13; jeremy@jfunders.org.
April 6-9
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Annual Convention
Baltimore, MD
For more information, go to www.cec.sped.org/.
April 7-9
Women’s Funding Network Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
Contact: Anita Daley, 415-441-0706; adaley@wfnet.org.
April 9
Women & Philanthropy 28th Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Contact: Nicole Cozier, 202-887-9660; ncozier@womenphil.org.
April 10-12
Council on Foundations Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
For more information, go to www.cof.org.
April 11-15
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Montreal, Canada
For more information, go to www.aera.net/.
May 23-25
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
2nd National Summit on Regional Equity and Smart Growth
Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Ben Starrett, 305-667-6350 x206; ben@fundersnetwork.org.
June 6-8
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders 2005 Annual Forum
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Contact: 805-687-0551, vclarke@ega.org, or www.safsf.org.
June 23-25
United Cerebral Palsy’s Annual Conference
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, AZ
For more information, go to www.ucp.org/.
July 11-12
International Human Rights Funders Group Semi-Annual Meeting:
Reconciling Human Rights and Security
New York, NY
Contact: Catherine Townsend, 212-475-1137; ctownsend@mertzgilmore.org.
July 13-16
Autism Society of America
Nashville, TN
For more information, go to www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer.
September 11-13
Neighborhood Funders Group 2005 Annual Conference
Phoenix, AZ
Contact: bettye@nfg.org
September 25-28
Environmental Grantmakers Association Annual Retreat 2005
Mohonk Mountain House, New Platz, NY
Contact: www.ega.org and www.mohonk.com.
October 10-12
Grantmakers for Education 2005 Conference
New York, NY
For more information, go to www.edfunders.org.
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