DFN E-News: Vol. 3, No. 5
Note: The symbol indicates disability community events.
DFN Calendar
August 12-14
Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) Conference
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
501/ADA coordinators from arts organizations all over the nation will be present at the LEAD conference to discuss issues that are pertinent to their work. On August 13, Deborah Lewis, executive director of the ELA Foundation and DFN board member, and Jeanne Argoff, executive director of DFN, will participate in a panel consisting of foundation and development officers who will share information on writing proposals and looking at disability funding in the context of U.S. grantmaking. Contact the Kennedy Center Accessibility Office at 202-416-8727 or via e-mail at access@kennedy-center.org
September 22-24
Conference on Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Arlington, VA
DFN will present a session at the first conference to focus on disaster preparedness, response and recovery specific to the unique emergency needs of people with disabilities. High-level authorities from the emergency management, disability and special needs communities, government agencies, private business and the service, advocacy and care networks will attend this forum to share and learn about each other’s experiences, resources and best practice models. The conference is hosted by the National Organization on Disability (NOD) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Capital Region. DFN’s session was designed by Harilyn Rousso, Disabilities Unlimited, and will feature DFN members and staff, who will present the grantmakers perspective on emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. Also on the panel will be representative from programs that have obtained funding for emergency preparedness work with people with disabilities, who will share their perspectives and engage in a dialogue with the funders.
October 14-16
Association of Small Foundations National Conference: A Passion for Giving
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Chicago, IL
DFN will participate in a session to help funders prepare to meet the needs of their communities by addressing common concerns (healthcare, housing, transportation, quality of life, employment) related to people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, and an aging population. The panelists will also look at the unique human capital these populations bring to a community and help funders identify ways to unleash their resources. Hosted by the Association of Small Foundations. For more information about the conference, contact Johanna Edens at 888-212-9922 or johanna@smallfoundations.org.
Calendar of Disability and Philanthropy Events
July 18
First Annual Disability Pride Parade
Chicago, IL
For more information, go to www.disabledandproud.com/parade.htm.
July 18-21
Council on Foundations 2004 Summer Institutes:
New Board Members, New Grantmakers, New Foundations
San Francisco, CA
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-466-6512
July 19-21
Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration and the National Association of Workforce Boards
Workforce Innovations 2004 Conference
San Antonio, TX
For more information, go to www.WorkforceInnovations.org.
July 22, 5:00-7:30 p.m.
The Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services
ADA Celebration and Reception
Council Chambers, City Hall
New York, NY
Contact and RSVP: 212-788-9107
July 26-28
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Second Conference
Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/.
July 30
The Annual New Freedom Awards Gala
Chicago, IL
For more information, go to newfreedomfoundation.com/.
August 5-7
Amputee Coalition of America 2004 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nashville, TN
For more information and to register, go to www.ncpad.org/newsletters/june04link.htm#15 or call 888-267-5669.
August 12-14
Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Washington, D.C.
Contact the Kennedy Center Accessibility Office at 202-416-8727 or via e-mail at access@kennedy-center.org.
September 13-15
Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG) 2004 Annual Conference:
Democracy and Empowerment: Funding for Civic Engagement and Justice
Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.nfg.org.
September 18
Americans with Disabilities 2004 Convention
Atlantic City, NJ
For more information, call: 609-292-3745 or go to www.njddc.org/.
September 19-21
American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) Governmental Activities Seminar
Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.ancor.org/dev/.
September 20-21
Job Accommodation Network’s Annual Symposium
Orlando, FL
For more information, go to http://symposium.jan.wvu.edu/.
September 21-24
National Summit on Developmental Disabilities
Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.allianceforfullparticipation.org/news/060604.asp
September 26-28
Philanthropy Northwest 2004 Annual Conference and Membership Meeting
Sheraton Tacoma
Tacoma, WA
Contact: 206-443-8430
October 3-6
Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) 2004 Annual Retreat 2004
Hyatt Kauai Resort
Kauai, HI
For more information, go to www.ega.org.
October 4-6
Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF) 2004 Annual Conference
New York, NY
For more information, go to www.gcyf.org.
October 7
National Institute on Aging and the Center for Social Development: Crossing Network Lines
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
For more information, e-mail agingdisabilityevents@gwbmail.wustl.edu.
October 10-13
Council on Foundations Fall Conference for Community Foundations
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Contact: 202-466-6512 or www.cof.org.
October 12-14
Northwest Area Foundation
Grassroots & Groundwork: Practical Models for Reducing Poverty and Rebuilding Communities
St. Paul, MN
October 14-16
Association of Small Foundations National Conference: A Passion for Giving
Chicago Marriott Downtown
Chicago, IL
Contact: Johanna Edens, 888-212-9922, or johanna@smallfoundations.org.
October 15-16
Grantmakers Without Borders 2004 Conference: Global Policy, Grassroots Change
Contact: John Harvey at john@gwob.net or visit www.gwob.net.
October 16
ILRU Disability Law Resource Project Accessibility Internet Rally
University of Houston
Houston, TX
For more information, go to www.dlrp.org/html/IT/air-houston/index.html.
October 16-18
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL)
10th Annual National Conference on Rural Independent Living
Minneapolis Hilton
Minneapolis, MN
For more information, go to www.april-rural.org.
October 16-19
National Network of Grantmakers 2004 Annual Conference
Democracy Bound: Moving a Contract for Social Justice
Miami, FL
For more information, go to www.nng.org.
October 17-20
Grantmakers in the Arts 2004 Annual Conference
Cleveland, OH
For more information, go to www.giarts.org.
October 19-21
Conference of Southwest Foundations 56th Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe
Incline Village, NV
Contact: 214-740-1787
October 22-24
World of Possibilities Disabilities Expo
Dulles Expo Center
Chantilly, VA
Contact: Mona Freedman at 410-549-5707 or mona@caringcommunities.org.
October 26-30
16th Annual International Conference on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Nashville, TN
Contact: Marsha Bokman at 301-306-7070, ext. 108, or www.chadd.org/webpage.cfm?cat_id=14.
October 27-29
Grantmakers in Aging
The Future is Here: A Window on Our Changing America
Coconut Grove, FL
Contact: Carol A. Farquhar at 937-435-3156, cfarquhar@giaging.org, or go to www.GIAging.org.
October 27-30
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD) Annual Conference
Vancouver, BC
For more information, visit www.thenadd.org/.
November 2-5
Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF): 32nd Annual CMF Conference
Hyatt Regency
Dearborn, MI
Contact: Vicki Rosenberg, 616-842-7080
November 6-12
Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Annual Meeting
Bethesda, MD
For more information visit www.aucd.org/.
November 10-12
Southeastern Council of Foundations Annual Meeting:
“Aiming High in the Low Country”
Charleston Place Hotel
Charleston, SC
Contact: Marianne Gordon, 404-524-0911
November 10-13
American Association of Grant Professionals
6th Annual AAGP National Conference
Boston, MA
November 17-20
TASH 2004 Annual Conference
Reno, NV
For more information, go to www.tash.org/.
November 18-20
2004 National ARC Conference
Boston, MA
For more information, go to www.thearc.org/.
December 1-2
Environmental Grantmakers Association Federal Policy Briefing 2004
Jurys Washington Hotel
Washington, D.C.
For more information, go to www.ega.org.
December 4-8
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Division on Early Childhood Conference
Chicago, IL
For more information, go to www.dec-sped.org/.
December 6-9
Council on Foundations 2004 Winter Institutes:
New Board Members, New Grantmakers, New Foundations
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Sophie Dunbar, 202-466-6512
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