DFN E-News: Vol. 3, No. 3
Resources, Applications and Employment Opportunities
Books, Reports and Articles
- Urban Institute Releases Study on Foundation Practices and Attitudes
- Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities
- World Institute on Disability Launches EQUITY Newsletter
- Disability Rights Promotion International Launches New Web Site
- Talk Radio Show: Disability Matters
- Comprehensive Study of Web Site Accessibility
- Disability Benefits 101 Web Site
- Youth Employment Statistics
- Access to Information and Information Technology Series
- New Study Finds Deinstitutionalization Rates Lowest in 30 Years
- New Discovery on the Genetic Underpinnings of Autism
- New Web Portal on the ADA
- New Book by Stan Klein and John Kemp
- Applications, Awards, Grants, Internships and RFPs
Employment and Contract Opportunities
- Program Officer, Philanthropy Advisors
- Communications Officer, Kaiser Family Foundation
- Senior Program Officer, Chronic Disease Program, California HealthCare Foundation
- Outreach and Marketing Consultant, California HealthCare Foundation
- Program Directors, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Senior Program Officer/Philanthropic Advisor, Wellspring Advisors
- Director of Grants, Vanguard Public Foundation
- Program Associate, Vanguard Public Foundation
Books, Reports and Articles
Urban Institute Releases Study on Foundation Practices and Attitudes
The Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., released a study that discloses data about the attitudes and practices of different kinds of foundations, including how they view effective philanthropy and monitoring and evaluation processes. To view the study, go to www.afpnet.org/tier3_cd.cfm?folder_id=2345&content_item_id=16406.
Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities
June Isaacson Kailes. Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety. A Guide for People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitations.
The goal of this online publication on people with disabilities and emergency preparedness is to help people with disabilities strengthen evacuation preparedness. The guide is designed for easy use and contains links to the websites of many of the organizations mentioned in the text, go to www.cdihp.org/evacuationpdf.htm.
World Institute on Disability Launches EQUITY Newsletter
The World Institute on Disability (WID) recently launched EQUITY Newsletter, a monthly publication that addresses issues of asset building for people with disabilities. Each month, articles from leaders in the field, program administrators and actual participants with disabilities challenge the asset-building and disability communities to narrow the divide. Also included are helpful tips, answers to questions about disability issues, periodic federal policy updates and other valuable resources. Go to www.wid.org/publications/?page=equity.
Disability Rights Promotion International Launches New Web Site
Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI) is a collaborative project to build capacity to monitor worldwide the human rights of people with disabilities. The Web site highlights the history of the project and its current status, provides an introduction to a human rights approach to disability and includes a brief overview of the United Nations human rights system. Go to www.yorku.ca/drpi.
Talk Radio Show: Disability Matters
Disability Matters with Joyce Bender is an international talk radio show with real-time captioning focused on the employment and empowerment of people with disabilities. Hear prominent disability leaders and senior executives from the private sector every Tuesday from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern Time on www.voiceamerica.com.
Comprehensive Study of Web Site Accessibility
The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) commissioned the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design at City University, London, to conduct a study, which included evaluation of 1,000 representative Web sites, seeking information from 700 organizations and 400 Web site developers. The 56-page report, “The Web: Access and Inclusion for Disabled People,” is available in printed, PDF, audio, Braille and other formats from the DRC at www.drc-gb.org.
For suggestions on how to make a Web site more accessible, go to Seven Easy Steps Toward Web Site Accessibility: http://kpope.com/seven/index.php, and select as the topic Technology/Accessibility.
Disability Benefits 101 Web Site
Directed to a California audience, Disability Benefits 101 helps workers, job seekers and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits. It brings together rules for health coverage, benefit and employment programs for people with disabilities, administered by the state, the federal government and private organizations. For more nformation, go to www.disabilitybenefits101.org.
Youth Employment Statistics
Taken from data in the National Longitudinal Transition Study collected from 1987 to 1990, this brief report provides rare and important insights into the employment patterns of youth with disabilities. For a description of the report, go to www.ncset.org/publications/viewdesc.asp?id=1310.
Access to Information and Information Technology Series
Information Technology and Disabilities offers an online two-part series entitled, Public Policy Issues: Access to Information and Information Technology. This collection of articles addresses the public policy aspects relating to the emerging civil rights of access to information. In a world dependent upon the flow of information and the operation of information technology, it is clearly a social imperative that all people are afforded equal access to this vital resource. In particular, those who help shape public policy must collectively safeguard this right and ensure that individuals with disabilities do not find themselves on the wrong side of the “digital divide.”
To access this series, go to www.rit.edu/~easi/itd/itdv09n2/contents.htm.
New Study Finds Deinstitutionalization Rates Lowest in 30 Years
A new study published in the June 2004 issue of the journal Mental Retardation shows the smallest reductions in state institution residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 30 years, both in terms of numerical reductions and in percentage rates of decline. The fiscal years 2001-2003 show the lowest reduction in state institution average daily populations (ADP) out of any 3-year period since state institution populations began to decrease in 1968. The study is: States’ Initial Response to the President’s New Freedom Initiative: Slowest Rates of Deinstitutionalization in 30 Years. Go to www.aamr.org/rr/ .
New Discovery on the Genetic Underpinnings of Autism
Two researchers from New Jersey have discovered what appears to be one of the more promising genes (ENGRAILED 2) responsible for autism susceptibility, based on a study of 167 families with autistic children. Read a press release on the study at www.naar.org/news/render_pr.asp?intNewsItemID=161. Read an article published on the gene discovery in Molecular Psychiatry at www.naar.org/news/pdfs/EN2_Millonig.pdf.
New Web Portal on the ADA
A new web portal, www.adaportal.org, on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offers visitors approximately 3,400 documents in 10 subject categories on the ADA. The web portal was launched by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) at the Department of Education.
New Book by Stan Klein and John Kemp
Stan Klein and John Kemp, eds. Reflections From a Different Journey: What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Reflections from a Different Journey presents 40 inspiring and realistic essays written by successful adult role models who share what it is like to have grown up with a disability to provide parents with essential information about the possibilities for their children. You can find it on line through www.amazon.com or www.disabilitiesbooks.com/index.html.
Applications, Awards, Grants, Internships and RFP’s
FY 2004 Housing Funding Opened for People with Disabilities
There are five categories that address people with disabilities in the Housing and Urban Development Department’s (HUD) FY 2004 Discretionary Programs, which has more than $300 million available for funding. Section 811 Program of Supportive Housing has the most funding available among the five Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) for people with disabilities — approximately $117.7 million. Mainstream Housing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities has $11.8 million for new grants plus over $50 million in carryover funds for renewal grants. The Assisted Living Conversion Program for Eligible Multifamily Housing Projects has $55.5 million. The Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Programs for service delivery to the older adults people with disabilities and other consumer groups has $56.6 million in grants.
For notices of the five NOFAs go to www.cdpublications.com/supernofa.
Youth Transition into the Workplace Grants
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, announced the 2004 Youth Transition into the Workplace Grants. The grants provide funds to document and evaluate innovative practices that address critical substance abuse and mental health service gaps, but have not yet been formally evaluated. Deadline is May 27, 2004. For more information go to www.healthinschools.org/grants/ops137.asp.
2004 da Vinci Awards
Nominations are being accepted for the 2004 da Vinci Awards honoring exceptional design and engineering. The da Vinci Awards recognize individuals, organizations and corporations in the engineering, construction and technical fields whose design innovations have exceeded legally mandated requirements, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, to further empower people with disabilities. The nomination deadline is May 28, 2004. For information go to www.esd.org/davinci/index.html.
New Internship Program for College Students
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, recently announced a new academic internship program for students with disabilities. Semester internships are in Congressional offices and federal agencies in Washington, DC. The Washington Center will arrange workshops, seminars, lectures, embassy visits and networking events. For complete information, visit AAPD‘s Web site at www.aapd-dc.org/Internships/washintern.html, or contact J.T. Taransky at V/TTY: 202-457-0046 or aapdjt@aol.com. Applications are due June 14, 2004.
2004 Paul G. Hearne/AAPD Leadership Awards
Up to three people with disabilities who are emerging leaders in their respective fields will each receive $10,000 to help them continue their progress as leaders. They will also have an opportunity to meet and network with national disability leaders at the annual AAPD Leadership Gala in Washington, D.C., in early 2005. U.S. residents with any type of disability are eligible to apply. The 2004 application is available on line at www.aapd-dc.org. Application deadline is 5 p.m. Eastern time on September 10, 2004. For more information, please contact Tracey Murray, Leadership Awards coordinator.
Quality of Life Grants Program
The Quality of Life Grants Program sponsored by The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation offers two types of grants to nonprofit organizations. The first grant addresses the needs of people living with spinal cord injuries, their families and caregivers, and is awarded in 12 categories: children, arts, sports and recreation, education, advocacy, accessibility, practical service, independent living, assistive technology, therapeutic riding, employment and counseling. The second grant addresses paralysis caused by spinal cord injuries, other injuries, diseases and birth defects, including but not limited to stroke, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Application deadlines are October 1 and April 1. For more information, go to www.christopherreeve.org/QLGrants/QLGrantsList.cfm?c=11.
Employment and Contract Opportunities
Program Officer
Philanthropy Advisors
Philanthropy Advisors, a service of UJA-Federation of New York, which offers grant, management and consulting services to family and other private foundations and to individual donors, is seeking a program officer. To apply, E-mail resume and cover letter with salary requirements to Sharon LeWinter, assistant to the executive director, at lewinters@ujafedny.org. For more information about the position, go to www.womenphil.org/info-url_nocat3909/info-url_nocat_show.htm?doc_id=224819.
Communications Officer
Kaiser Family Foundation
The Kaiser Family Foundation (www.kff.org), a leading health research and information organization, is seeking a qualified candidate for a communications officer position to handle press relations and other communications activities for the foundation’s health policy work. To apply, send cover letter and resume to Kaiser Family Foundation, HR-Communications Officer, 2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025; Fax: 650-854-8037; E-mail: jobs@kff.org.
Senior Program Officer, Chronic Disease Program
California HealthCare Foundation
The California HealthCare Foundation is seeking a senior program officer to play a significant role in the foundation’s work as part of the Chronic Disease Care Program team. This includes designing and implementing new foundation initiatives; overseeing a portfolio of new grants; and managing and monitoring existing initiatives and grants to ensure that they achieve the highest level of performance. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Director, Human Resources, California HealthCare Foundation, 476 Ninth Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Resumes may also be faxed to 510-628-8320 or E-mailed to jobs@chcf.org.
Outreach and Marketing Consultant
California HealthCare Foundation
The California HealthCare Foundation is seeking an outreach and marketing consultant to help expand the use of its free Web site for small business owners, www.healthcoverageguide.org. Please send a resume and cover letter and the job reference number, OMC1001, to Staffing, Human Resources, California HealthCare Foundation, 476 Ninth Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Cover letters and resumes can also be faxed to 510-628-8320 or E-mailed to jobs@chcf.org. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled.
Program Directors
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (www.wkkf.org), a $5.7-billion nonprofit organization linking social institutions with communities and local people to create sustainable systemic change, is seeking two dynamic and inspirational leaders to serve as program directors for its grant making initiatives in the Health Unit. For complete application guidelines, go to www.womenphil.org/usr_doc/W.pdf.
Senior Program Officer/Philanthropic Advisor
Wellspring Advisors
Wellspring Advisors, LLC, is seeking a senior program officer/philanthropic advisor to manage international grantmaking programs. Resumes should be addressed to Perry Monastero, Wellspring Advisors, LLC, 424 West 33rd Street, Suite 460, New York, NY 10001, phone: 212-609-2622, x1005; fax: 212-609-2633. For a complete position description, go to www.womenphil.org/info-url_nocat3909/info-url_nocat_show.htm?doc_id=218473.
Director of Grants
Vanguard Public Foundation
Vanguard Public Foundation is seeking a director of grants to play a leadership role in the foundation’s grantmaking. Mail resume to Grants Director Search/VPF, 383 Rhode Island, Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94103. E-mail to susannah@vanguardsf.org or fax to 415-487-2124. Position open until filled.
Program Associate
Vanguard Public Foundation
Vanguard Public Foundation is seeking a program associate to administer partnership grants. Mail resume to Program Associate Search/VPF, 383 Rhode Island, Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94103. E-mail to susannah@vanguardsf.org or fax to 415-487-2124. Position open until filled.
DFN thanks Maggie Roffee at the Office of Disability Employment Policy for many of the resources and announcements in this issue and Women and Philanthropy for the job listings.
Category: DFN E-News