Did you know...

Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

DFN Informational Teleconference sponsored by HSC Foundation and moderated by Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF)



MEAF is proud to present Talking Inclusion: sharing ideas on how to fully include people with disabilities in society, the next in the Disability Funders Network Conference Call Series sponsored by the HSC Foundation. The call will be presented “live” from the Kids Included Together Conference on April 3rd 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST, and is open to all grantmakers and grantseekers.


Join us to learn how the Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation, Bubel Aiken Foundation, and Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation are supporting initiatives to more fully include people with disabilities in community life. Representatives from the Inclusion Network, YMCA, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America will be the featured grant partners on the call.


See call and registration details below and attached. Please feel free to circulate. Together we can ensure that people of ALL abilities are fully included in society.


Talk to you April 3rd!

Disability Funders Network

A bridge between the disability community and organized philanthropy

DFN Informational Conference Call Series


Talking Inclusion:

Sharing ideas on how to fully include people with disabilities in society

Thursday, April 3, 2008

1:30-3:00 pm eastern

Sponsored by

Presented by

Join DFN on Thursday, April 3rd for the Talking Inclusion conference call designed to introduce funding organizations and their grantees to the principle of inclusion—helping to ensure that all individuals, regardless of ability, have the opportunity to fully participate in society.  Foundations and corporate grantmakers will learn about tools they can use to ensure grantees are taking an inclusive approach to their programming, and nonprofit organizations will hear about strategies and resources to make their facilities and programs available to all.


The Talking Inclusion conference call will be broadcast “live” from the Kids Included Together National Conference on Inclusion (www.kitconference.org/) and will feature the following speakers:


  • Kristy Barnes, Director of Marketing and Operations, Bubel Aiken Foundation
  • Breta Cooper, Executive Vice President, Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
  • Torrie Dunlap, Director, National Training Center on Inclusion, Kids Included Together
  • Peg Gutsell, EdD, Director, The Inclusion Network
  • Marvin Laster, Director, Youth for Unity, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
  • Yo Sobha, Associate Branch Director-Youth, A.E. Finley YMCA
  • Kevin R. Webb, Program Officer, Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation; DFN Board Member


To register for the call, email:  disabilityfunders@disabilityfunders.org.  Space is limited and the deadline for registration is April 1, 2008.




The Talking Inclusion conference call is a Kids Included Together event presented by Disability Funders Network, sponsored by The HSC Foundation, and hosted by Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF).


The DFN Informational Conference Call Series was developed following the Gulf Coast tragedies when DFN members—both grant makers and grant seekers—joined forces to present an Informational Teleconference on Emergency Relief and Disaster Preparedness.  Thanks to the generous and continuing support of The HSC Foundation and other contributing sponsors such as MEAF, DFN is pleased to offer this latest in a series of teleconferences on disability in Employment, the Arts, the UN Convention Disability Treaty, Human Rights/Race and Poverty, Sexuality, Veterans Issues, Earned Income Tax Credit, and Voting.