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Disability Inclusive Grantmaking is the mission of DFN: inclusion of disability in grantmaking programs and inclusion of people with disabilities in grantmaking organizations.

girl on wheelchair

DFN: Grants Received, 2001-2004

Year Organization Purpose / Description Amount
2001 California Endowment Educate California funders about Ticket to Work Act and coordinate public/private funding 50,000
2001 Hawaii Community Foundation General operating 1,000
2001 Chicago Community Trust Strategic planning 4,000
2001 Ford Foundation General operating and capacity building 150,000
2001 American Express Foundation General operating 3,000
2001 American Express Foundation Web site development 5,000
2001 Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation General operating 1,000
2001 California Wellness Foundation Ticket to Work funders workshop 2,500
2001 Total grant monies received $216,500
2002 Changemakers Capacity building 20,000
2002 Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation General operating 750
2002 Alliance Healthcare Foundation Ticket to Work funders workshop 2,000
2002 Tides Foundation General operating 500
2002 New York Community Trust Educate New York City grantmakers on including people with disabilities 10,000
2002 True North Foundation Disseminate results of California funders survey 5,000
2002 San Francisco Foundation Disseminate results of California funders survey 5,000
2002 Microsoft Web site development 5,000
2002 Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation Create funders guide for including people with disabilities in emergency preparedness activities 5,000
2002 American Express Foundation General operating 3,000
2002 Total grant monies received $56,250
2003 New York Community Trust Emergency preparedness (see Milbank ’02) 5,000
2003 Maximus (SSA) Development disability grantseekers guide 35,000
2003 California Endowment Continuation of 2001 grant 25,000
2003 NEC Foundation General operating 1,000
2003 San Francisco Foundation General operating 1,000
2003 Chicago Community Trust General operating 5,000
2003 American Express Foundation Web site support 5,000
2003 American Express Foundation General operating 3,000
2003 Total grant monies received $80,000
2004 Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation Emergency preparedness (see Milbank ’02) 2,000
2004 New York Community Trust Emergency preparedness (see Milbank ’02) 10,000
2004 Citigroup Foundation Emergency preparedness (see Milbank ’02) 10,000
2004 The Daniels Fund General operating 1,000
2004 Ford Foundation General operating and capacity building 50,000
2004 Chicago Community Trust Strategic planning 2,500
2004 Kate & Richard Wolters Foundation Printing of grantmaker and grantseeker brochures 2,500
2004 Total grant monies received $78,000
2001-2004 Total grant monies received, 2001-2004 $430,750